Centralized Security Applications Saved Egypt from the Global Technical Malfunction.

Relying on Centralized Security Applications Saved Egypt from the Global Technical Malfunction.

Engineer Tarek Shabaka, CEO at Mideast Communication Systems, stated that Egyptian institutions were not affected by the global technical malfunction that occurred this morning. This is due to our reliance on centralized security systems in implementing cybersecurity work plans, rather than depending on cloud-based security applications. He clarified that the global technical issue witnessed today was not the result of cyberattacks or digital security breaches, but rather a technical malfunction in the key sectors and services that rely on CrowdStrike technologies. He pointed out that although cybersecurity solutions have become one of the main pillars in the operating and management systems of all major sectors, these digital defense applications and technologies could potentially become one of the primary reasons for technical malfunctions, without being subjected to deliberate cyberattacks or malicious actions.

He recommended the adoption of comprehensive practices that ensure institutions have a protection system with standardized criteria and specifications. He clarified that technology alone is not sufficient; there must be continuous alignment with security solutions to adapt to global changes. Additionally, there should be a data analysis plan and crisis management strategy for the cybersecurity system within any institution. He emphasized the importance of training and preparing human resources on technological advancements, sharing expertise in planning intelligent and swift mechanisms to exit crises, and being prepared with alternative operating systems. Finally, he highlighted the need for various sectors to rely on cybersecurity systems by designing operational systems that align with the sector’s requirements, the level of risks faced, and analyzing the types of attacks that may target them.

He explained that the key lesson for all institutions from this technical malfunction is the importance of adopting a clear future plan for the continuous development of digital work systems and providing alternative solutions that can be relied upon in times of crisis. He noted that MCS relies on a methodology for executing major projects related to digital transformation and cybersecurity in Egypt by offering comprehensive consultancy studies tailored to the needs of each sector. This is in addition to raising awareness among human resources, who represent the backbone of digital protection systems, while ruling out that different Egyptian institutions would be affected by the global technical malfunction that occurred.

In this article:
Engineer Tarek Shabaka, CEO at MCS, highlighted that Egyptian institutions were unaffected by a recent global technical malfunction due to their reliance on centralized security systems rather than cloud-based applications.
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